The Android version can be found here:
The Apple version can be found here:
As of July 5, 2016 this version is still in beta but no bugs have been found to this point. Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
The Poker TDA app is produced courtesy of Steve Piper, CEO of The Cyber-Edge Group ( Many thanks to Steve for his great work on this project!
Great App for Android!
+ No problems so far
+ Search function ist nice- clearly arranged
? Landscape mode would be nice
Take care, Steff
Quote from: Steff0111 on June 22, 2016, 09:02:04 AM
Great App for Android!
+ No problems so far
+ Search function ist nice- clearly arranged
? Landscape mode would be nice
Take care, Steff
Landscape mode option is a great idea, have forwarded it on to the developers.
Thanks alot!
Another suggestion:
In the search section the rules are great arranged.
But sometimes people- who don´t know the rules completely off pat- would like to search by key words.
Like a full text index...
Being be to copy and paste would definitely help.
I have an android - Galaxy S4 and cannot copy and paste. I do a long-press on the screen and nothing happens.
I also agree with Steff, having a search function that you can type in a word(s) would help people find what they are looking for.
Other than that, I love the app
I can confirm (Galaxy Note IV):
Copy & Paste seems generally not possible.
No copy available on iPhone either.
Although, frankly, since MS Word and PDF versions are available, why would you want to do anything like that on a phone anyway? Wouldn't it be easier to do those kind of things on a desktop?
I just keep the copies in evernote... But maybe having an app brings new readers?
Quote from: Steff0111 on June 23, 2016, 08:00:04 AM
Another suggestion:
In the search section the rules are great arranged.
But sometimes people- who don´t know the rules completely off pat- would like to search by key words.
Like a full text index...
I just had an opportunity to reference the rules while sitting in a poker room in Vegas. I then realized that, yeah, the search function is no good. As it stands, it should be labeled Table of Contents. A real search function should be added. Perhaps at index as well.
If not a real search function, then expand the table of contents to include each section / rule number and name.