Agenda Suggestion:
Revise Rule 7 Randomness in Seating to allow team play as follows:
During poker team play teammates are not allowed on the same table with opponents. Teammates may play among themselves to support table consolidation.
Add Agenda Item to discuss the potential of Poker Team Scoring in Tournament Poker: Please see and my previous PokerTDA Posts, TeamPoker101/ Glyn Ottofy owner/ patent holder. Discuss the potential to enhance Poker Tournaments by offering the synergism and camaraderie of team play. The Australian Poker Tour (APT) and others have been playing TEAMPOKER® using system protocol in
The patented TeamPoker® System has three basic elements:
(1) Individual and Team Payouts based on Individual Finish Positions (IFP) in finish count. Team Points – Scoring is based on points created by the inverse of IFP to finish count. Team Tie Breaker is the team with highest IFP.
(2) Team Handicapping: Team size can vary in the same tournament. Teams can play with less than the maximum number allowed. Example: Four Player Max to 2 Players; or 2 players max and 1 min; or teams may be required to be the same i.e., 5 players (used in APT).
(3) Seating Protocol: Teammates are not allowed to play on the same table with opponents. Teammates may play among themselves or heads up to support consolidation of tables.
Poker team play offers a new and exciting poker dynamic with lots of potential. If you'd like to join the new Poker Team paradigm, please contact me.
Glyn Ottofy
Team Poker LLC/ Team Gaming LLC (970) 290-3936
This does not seem relevant to me since TDA does not apply to exotic format of play such as team play.
Let's remember that house rule will always have the priority over TDA rule, so better could be to include this specific rules regarding to team play into the rules for the event it is intended for.
Maybe other members will have some thoughts about this.