Author Topic: Cutting chips past a "betting line", forward motion, chips released, etc.  (Read 16034 times)


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The TDA received the following very "loaded" question on two related scenarios today. It is re-posted here so all can participate in the discussion:

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Is a player, who makes no verbal declaration as to the amount of his bet, allowed to carry or slide/push, a stack of chips over the betting line, if there is one, and cut out a portion of that stack of chips into the pot and bring back some of the chips he originally carried/slid/pushed or suspend over the betting line a stack of chips and only drop in/splash a portion of that stack and bring back the rest into his total stack?

Same scenario, what if there isn't a betting line? Thanks.

Name withheld
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Re: Cutting chips past a "betting line", forward motion, chips released, etc.
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2013, 12:00:47 PM »
Where to start on this one? In no particular order:

1. The TDA does not have a "betting line" or "forward motion" rule. The default standard for automatically binding a bet is chips released and hitting the table surface (Rule 42). This does not mean, however, that a TD can't rule a bet binding with something less than full chips released (see note 4 below).

2. That said, the TDA recognizes that some TDA-member venues still have and use betting lines (some still have them marked on the table but don't use them)... and if there are betting lines / forward motion rules, house standards apply. (Rule 14-B).

3. SO, start with a chips released standard..... the player pushes out a large stack of chips, then begins cutting out a smaller stack. Well, that usually involves both hands. Clearly, once the hands leave control of the large stack, it is ALL in jeopardy of being declared bet... it is pushed forward, on the table surface, and the player is cutting out chips from it.

4. EVEN IF a player technically retained such control that you could say the chips weren't "released" until the smaller stack is cut out, the TD still has wide latitude to rule it a bet of the entire stack if he or she thinks it is "in the best interest of the game" (Rule 1), and or if he or she thinks the full bet is the player's intention (Rule 3 and elsewhere)... and if it wasn't the player's intention, that's the player's fault, not the TD.

5. EVEN IF a TD rules that the player can cut out the chips in a specific circumstance, your question asks if this is "okay". Ruling it an acceptable bet in one instance does not make it "okay". The player may still be subject to penalty for using such disruptive betting gestures. And clearly, nobody wants to see this be a routine means of betting, so it's never okay.

There's a really great video you can refer to from the WSOP a few years ago where a player moved a stack forward then pulled it back. Jack Effel ruled it a non-bet because the chips weren't ever released from player control. However when a player asked him if it was "okiay" to bet like that he replied "no it's not okay"...  leaving open the door for penalty for such a move.

ALSO, keep in mind on your first scenario you say the house has a betting line in effect, so the bottom line really is that house standards apply because the TDA uses chips-released.

To your second scenario, there is no betting line. So here the above comments 1-5 apply... What we know for sure is that this type betting is not acceptable and must be given a warning or stronger penalty. Whether you rule it a binding bet of the entire stack or not depends on the exact circumstances, but the visual I get is such that I normally would rule it a binding bet of the entire amount. I'm not fond of the idea that the guy can keep a tight control over the larger stack while manipulating out a smaller stack from it. Normally in cutting chips both hands are moving around and the second both hands are off that larger stack (without any prior verbal declaration), it's all bet. I also want to discourage this in the first place, so I'm really leaning to binding it all just on that basis, he'll be more careful next time.

This all said, I do respect the chips-released standard to absolutely bind a bet. So in circumstances where there's some room for doubt, I reserve the option to tolerate the action and just warn the player.

Also keep in mind your post notes that no verbal declaration was made previously. If the guy had said "I make it 100 k total", then pushed the larger stack out, it's less of a problem, because we know 100k is going to be peeled away. But here we only have the gesture to go by.

Thanks for the great question!

« Last Edit: December 03, 2013, 12:09:29 PM by MikeB »


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Re: Cutting chips past a "betting line", forward motion, chips released, etc.
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2013, 01:51:36 PM »
We use a line on the tables. 

If a player comes across the line with chips, they are held to at least a call.  I don't consider action complete until the bet is released into the pot.  So if the player brings out 15 black chips and cuts off 10 and pulls the other 5 back without stopping and pulling their hand(s) back at any point, I am fine with that.  I am also fine with a player reaching out with that same 15, cutting off 10, and saying all-in.  To me, their action is not complete until they have released the chips.

Exception:  If the player reaches, starts cutting chips out, pauses with hands still on chips to look around the table for tells, then cuts out more.  That I will not allow.

I would use the same rules if we had no line.
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Nick C

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Re: Cutting chips past a "betting line", forward motion, chips released, etc.
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2013, 07:58:57 PM »
 I would not allow a player to move forward (with or without a bet line) and retract any chips. There is enough of an area to cut chips and decide how much you are betting. I was never in favor of any "release rule." If you're not going to say it, you'd better do it right.

 I watched the incident that you were talking about from the WSOP a few years ago, when the player pushed multiple stacks forward and then retracted them. I thought the call was ridiculous then, and it's just as ridiculous now. I don't care who made the call. We don't get them them all right, all of the time.

 What would be the purpose of pushing a pyramid of chips forward, and then retracting that action other than trying to get a reaction from the next player? Do you know how many player's surrender their hands just because an opponent is pushing chips forward? Besides, I was always confused by a "release rule" because I could never quite grasp how "release" related to "a forward push"? Why would you allow a player to push 10,000 chips forward, stop...and decide to bet 1,000? Or even worse, what if he decides to check?



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Re: Cutting chips past a "betting line", forward motion, chips released, etc.
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2013, 08:05:34 PM »

I watched the incident that you were talking about from the WSOP a few years ago, when the player pushed multiple stacks forward and then retracted them. I thought the call was ridiculous then, and it's just as ridiculous now. I don't care who made the call. We don't get them them all right, all of the time.
Fair enough, but just to be clear, the TDA rule is chips released and that's what the ruling was based on. This might be a great subject to start a suggestions thread on in the suggestions category...

There are as many or more problems with forward motion: did it cross a line or break a plane? Are all the chips bet or only those subsequently released, or does it bind a min-bet? Is forward motion binding only "on the table" or also in the air? Is the forward motion in effect at showdown or only during betting (i.e. is the betting line now a "mucking line" at showdown?)... From one angle I can see X amount of forward motion whereas there's more/less from another angle... etc. Hence for venues with betting lines / forward motion, house standards have to apply (TDA 14-B)

There's no 100% ideal standard, and players are just not going to start verbalizing their bet before moving chips in every case... imagine the player backlash if you tried to put that rule in effect. The virtue of chips released is that it is unambiguous... the chips are either released or they aren't. You can still bind a bet without chips released if you think that's in the best interest of the game, or was the player's intent; and you can always penalize disruptive gestures of any sort.

Always an interesting subject.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2013, 08:26:47 AM by MikeB »

Nick C

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Re: Cutting chips past a "betting line", forward motion, chips released, etc.
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2013, 09:05:48 AM »

 You are absolutely correct when you say there is no 100% ideal standard but, I know you wouldn't play like that...would you? I've always been in favor of a betting line, and I know many others who don't like them. I often refer to "intent" whenever I have a decision to consider. If a betting player, grabs two fistsful of 1,000 count chips, picks them up, moves forward and decides to release one single chip into the betting area...I have a problem with line or not.

 To me, that is not much different from a string bet...a reverse string, you might say. Think before you act. If you want to bet 1000 don't push 40000 forward, or don't pick up two stacks and release one chip. Too deceptive for my games and I won't allow it.

 We often speak of Accepted Action...I believe that rule should apply to the bettor in this scenario. I would accept their action as binding, just as if they said "I bet 40000."


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Re: Cutting chips past a "betting line", forward motion, chips released, etc.
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2013, 05:30:06 PM »
Interesting.... the TDA really doesn't say you can't bind a bet based on forward motion... it does say you must bind chips released. So if a forward motion looks like a bet of X to you, then there's nothing I'm aware of that's wrong with ruling it as a bound bet, that's well within your TD discretion IMO.


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Re: Cutting chips past a "betting line", forward motion, chips released, etc.
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2013, 06:26:55 PM »
We use a line on the tables. 

If a player comes across the line with chips, they are held to at least a call.  I don't consider action complete until the bet is released into the pot.  So if the player brings out 15 black chips and cuts off 10 and pulls the other 5 back without stopping and pulling their hand(s) back at any point, I am fine with that.  I am also fine with a player reaching out with that same 15, cutting off 10, and saying all-in.  To me, their action is not complete until they have released the chips.

Exception:  If the player reaches, starts cutting chips out, pauses with hands still on chips to look around the table for tells, then cuts out more.  That I will not allow.

I would use the same rules if we had no line.

I follow the same approach.