2015 Summit Suggestions: FCOTD, AA, Verbals, Action OOT, Undercalls, etc.

Started by Nick C, January 09, 2015, 10:57:08 AM

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Quote from: Tristan on February 11, 2015, 03:22:14 AM
EPT has done it that way for a while, I believe it came with Neil.
I believe this rule is from Toby Stone. Pretty sure that's what Neil told me.
@wsopmcgee on Twitter


Quote from: Brian Vickers on January 19, 2015, 07:58:50 PM
And I absoutley understand what you're saying Nick. I think the worst thing we can do as an organization is have a rule in place that we all vote on, pass, and then don't enforce uniformly.  I'm sure this will be revisited at the 2015 Summit and I'm sure many more TDs and Managers will voice why they have and have not instituted this rule.  I'm sure there's a 50/50 it goes back to last card after June, but I hope I and others can convice the people who are still on the fence that this was a positive change 100%.

As some may recall... I was pretty vocal and in favor of the adoption of First Card Off in 2013. I since wrote an op-ed for MattGlantzpoker.com discussing the pluses and minuses of the rule. Sadly that site is now defunct. If I get a chance I'll post the article up again on another site.

But the gist of the article was this: If you're not in favor of always using First Card Off from the start of the tournament, then perhaps it will better serve your tournament if you use it when the tournament goes hand-for-hand and continuing into the money.
@wsopmcgee on Twitter

Nick C

This is my response to the recently introduced TDA Summit Survey. I tried to submit it but it was too long:TDA SUMMIT PLAYER SURVEY
1)   I would like players to be allowed to converse at the table, especially when the action is head to head.
1a) I would like dealers to have more control at the tables.
1b) I would like a forced showdown of all called hands...no muck when in for all bets. In other    words: enforce TDA #13 Tabling Cards & Killing Winning Hand by making a "must show" mandatory.
2)   The current rules that bother me the most are: (in numerical order) TDA #15 Face Up For All-in's forcing a "must show" at showdown; would eliminate or combine, TDA #'s 15, 16, 17 and 18. This could also have a positive effect on numerous other rules; such as TDA #'s 12, 13, 14 and even #21.
2b) #46 Accepted Action...More protection is needed for players that; are given the wrong information from the dealer, or are mislead by a player.
2c) #29 At Your Seat (First Card Off)...I prefer last card
2d) #37 & 38 Action OOT...More protection for skipped players, and the right for the out of turn player to retract an obvious mistake and back it up to the proper bettor.
2e) #41 b Raises: In No Limit and Pot Limit an all-in wager of less than a full raise does not reopen the betting to a player who has already acted....there needs to be more clarification regarding a player that checked.
3)   I have briefly explained suggestions for change on #'s 1 & 2 above.
4)   I am not bothered by excessive decision delays
5)   Yes...I think the house should be able to call the clock
6)   Yes...why not allow the players to ask the floor to call for the clock, ultimately, the final decision is with the floor
7)   Strongly prefer Last card Off LCOTD
8)   The action should be backed up and be made right on the current street
9)   Should have some protection. The situations are so varied in this department that it is almost impossible to generalize. I would take into consideration;  a very possible misunderstanding, and the possible lack of experience of the players involved or even the "history" of the player
10)   I don't see player A having any right to touch those chips, a verbal declaration of fold, call, or raise must be made.
11)    Electronic devises seem to be under control
12)    Not a problem
13)   Upstate NY, (USA).... Nearly 60 years....live only....Very few lately....
14)   The best way to improve this survey is to ; look to the forum, and follow through with "fixing" existing rules, rather than create new ones.