Ticket Holdem a new way to hold a draw or raffle

Started by dn.gardiner, February 10, 2010, 04:17:09 PM

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Ticket Holdem replaces the numbered tickets commonly used for a draw or raffle and turns it into a hand of poker.
Each ticket has a break open window which conceals two cards from a standard deck. At your event, rather than draw a number from a hat, 5 community cards are dealt from a deck of cards and posted. Players use the "hole card" on their tickets with the community cards to make their best 5 card hand. HIGH HAND WINS
Spinnettis in Las Vegas carries packages in store and on their website http://www.spinettisgaming.com/?page=products&sub1=72&item=1404
or check http://www.ticketholdem.com for more information.


Just wanted to let everyone know that I have been using this product for about 9 months, and it has double, if not tripled the amount of money we raise for charity.
It generates excitement, instead of the ordinary 50/50 type draw!
Ticket Holdem works well, give it a try!Thanks


We use Ticket Holdem at all our tournaments as a 50/50 game the players like it.
50% to charity, 50% to the winner.