2015 Summit Suggestions: FCOTD, AA, Verbals, Action OOT, Undercalls, etc.

Started by Nick C, January 09, 2015, 10:57:08 AM

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Brian Vickers

I didn't think they would accept it either, but it turned out the change went perfectly smooth.  I thought it would be complaint a minute, but you'd think it was that way from the start.

Dealing to the center is fine if you want to instruct dealers that way.  I personally did not train them to deviate from how they were dealing, just to take note of any absent seats at the start so that they remembered to muck the hands. 

The thing that helped the transition the most was making clear in the reading of the tournament rules what the change was and then standing in the tournament area when breaks were almost over to make sure it was being enforced by all dealers.  I did have to point to a couple hands and say "that's a dead hand" a few times but they got it quick.

Brian Vickers

And I absoutley understand what you're saying Nick. I think the worst thing we can do as an organization is have a rule in place that we all vote on, pass, and then don't enforce uniformly.  I'm sure this will be revisited at the 2015 Summit and I'm sure many more TDs and Managers will voice why they have and have not instituted this rule.  I'm sure there's a 50/50 it goes back to last card after June, but I hope I and others can convice the people who are still on the fence that this was a positive change 100%.


I implemented first card after the last summit, and people were much more accepting that you would think.  I also agree with Brian that it made things better.
@TristanWilberg on Twitter

Brian Vickers

Quote from: Tristan on February 07, 2015, 05:06:39 AM
I implemented first card after the last summit, and people were much more accepting that you would think.  I also agree with Brian that it made things better.

I really truly believe that anyone who tries it will see the benefit.  I was easily the MOST hesitant at the summit and was on the mic for 10+ minutes advocating against the proposal.  This year I'll be advocating for it.

Nick C

There was no such rule in the 2014 WSOP... and I see nothing in the rules for 2015 either.

Brian Vickers

Would love for WSOP to adopt it, that would give it the push it needed.  Do we know what poker tour or what room this rule originated from?  I can't recall how the proposal came about.


EPT has done it that way for a while, I believe it came with Neil.
@TristanWilberg on Twitter

Nick C

Neil hasn't posted one time in nearly two years of being on the board. It would have been nice to hear from him once in a while.


Quote from: Brian Vickers on January 12, 2015, 02:37:56 PM
I was squarely against the "at your seat" change at the summit, but once I implemented it I found it to be a major improvement in keeping players from walking around between hands or dealers slowing down the last card to the button so a player could get in their chair in time.  I hope it stays and I hope more TDs adopt it in their rooms.

Are you talking about "at your seat" or First Card Off?

Just curious because "at your seat" does not keep players in their seats as effectively
@wsopmcgee on Twitter

Nick C

Thomas: TDA #29 At Your Seat...isn't that the same as "first card off"?


Quote from: Nick C on April 11, 2015, 09:59:52 AM
Thomas: TDA #29 At Your Seat...isn't that the same as "first card off"?

The phrase "At Your Seat" does not in and of itself mean "First Card Off". However I see how it is listed as the heading of Rule #29. That's where my confusion lies. The Rule heading should be changed and completely reworded. It's a novel of a rule.
@wsopmcgee on Twitter

Nick C

Thomas: Knowing that you are as confused as I on some of these rules is encouraging. I truly respect your opinion. :)


Just to clarify further.......

What these terms mean to me and what I tell players.

At your seat: Means you must be at your seat to be eligible to play a hand. <----- This meaning is generally associated with Last Card dealt to the Button (WSOP rules) and Action in Turn events.

First Card Off: Means at the start of each new hand you must be at your seat when the first card is dealt to be eligible to play a hand. <----- This meaning is generally associated with all PokerStars events and WPT's and those claiming to use TDA rules.

Some people say interchange "to be able to play a hand" and "to be eligible to receive a hand", but that is not true in tournament poker as all chipstacks receive a hand with or without a player present and that does not necessarily mean you will be allowed to play the hand.

Maybe I should be a paralegal.  :-\
@wsopmcgee on Twitter

Nick C

Thomas, You're overqualified...you're a Poker TD! ;D


I personally love this rule.  People accepted it very fast.  We deal the cards in front of the dealer so there is less chance of confusion.  Most dealers got this very fast some struggled for a little while. Our tournament regulars seem to like it better this way.