2017 TDA Summit Platinum Sponsor: Genesis Gaming and Bravo Poker

Started by MikeB, February 17, 2017, 01:28:40 AM

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The 2017 Poker TDA Summit VIII is made possible by generous support of Genesis Gaming Solutions (http://www.genesisgaming.com), developers of the industry-leading Bravo family of Poker Room and Pit Management Systems, and the Bravo Poker Live tournament tracking and registration app.

Bravo Poker is overwhelmingly the system choice for Poker Room Management and Live Tournament promotion (see http://www.bravopokerlive.com) by TDA member venues.  In addition to it's unparalleled level of tournament information, Bravo Poker now enables ease of registration between online and live events like never before. Please take this opportunity to become more familiar with Bravo Poker and all it's features.

Randy Knust of Genesis will address the TDA Summit live on June 30th and his team will be available throughout the Summit to answer any questions and demo products you are interested in.

Many thanks to Genesis Gaming for all the support they have given to the poker tournament industry over the years. No person or company has been more responsible for the success of the TDA than Randy Knust and the great team at Genesis!