
Started by chet, May 13, 2010, 05:30:10 AM

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There is currently a considerable amount of discussion going on, particularly by Daniel Negreanu, as to whether players should be allowed to wear sunglasses.  Daniel is also the main objector to the rules about talking and/or showing cards.

Since there will likely be a TDA Summit in 2011 (assuming the BOD follows the every other year schedule), I think this is a good time to broach the subject and begin a discussion.  I think it would be helpful to the TDA if we can have a respectful discussion about whether the TDA should enact a rule or support a rule, barring players from wearing sunglasses.

My personal opinion is that I really don't care one way or the other. 

I have tried wearing sunglasses, but I find it much more difficult to see hole cards, especially if the light is poor.  TV tables probably don't have that problem, but how many of us get to play at a table that will be televised? 

If I don't want to give off 'tells', I have found that I can always pull down the brim of a cap, go into facial hibernation (ala Hellmuth) and hide behind my hands, etc. 

So, for the sake of discussion, are there reasons the TDA should consider a position either in favor of or against allowing players to wear sunglasses?

Stuart Murray

I really don't see any problem with wearing sunglasses at the tables - in fact I like players wearing them in my events, as it often lightens the spirits of players and gives discussion topics realising them to be a socialistic aspect of the game as well as a reclusive aspect of the game.

For example one player who is English wears Scottish St Andrew's Saltire sunglasses which gets everyone talking at his table and really does create a good atmosphere when he is playing.


Nick C

Chet and Stuart,

I'm with you. I really don't see anything wrong with sunglasses, and I would rather the TDA concentrate on other rules that need attention. Besides, with all of the great players that learned on-line, catching a "tell" or getting a "read" on a player by looking into their eyes is a little over rated. If you think that there is something suspicious about sunglasses or any headgear, then maybe they could be subjected to some kind of inspection. Beyond that, I think that type of a rule should be introduced as a house rule not a TDA or RRoP rule. When Daniel has a card game at his house, then he can ban the shades! The next thing you know, we will be asking for a prescription from your eye doctor to prove that you can't tell black from red without them. Stick with the issues of the game, did anyone ever look more foolish than Raymer? Don't get me wrong, he is a great guy and has a great personality. He has class and is a great spokesperson for the game...but those glasses, wow.

That's how I feel..thanks for listening.
Nick C

Brian Vickers

If you ban sunglasses then players will just start hiding their faces with their hands, or with scarfs, or hoodies or whatever else if it's that important to them.  Banning sunglasses is more trouble than it's worth and it's just going to open a big can of worms and take the focus off of the things that actually matter.  What if someone that wears glasses has prescription sunglasses and his regular glass have been lost or broke.. are you to tell this player with a legitimate reason that he is out of luck and has to go without vision?
If players really think that sunglasses are giving their opponents a legitimate advantage, then the good news is that they have the same opportunity to wear them too.

Whole subject of sunglasses and hoods should be considered together.
Are we going to continue to allow a player if he chooses to come to a table in a Darth Vader Mask??
That is allowed under our current rules.  The whole thing with the hoods and sunglasses has gone way too far.  Players are trying to turn a live tournament
into an on-line look and feel to make themselves more comfortable at the expense of all the other players.  I personally love Phil Locke as both a person and a player but come on..  We can no longer allow this.   

I have no problem with normal sunglasses btw, but now they are making "poker" sunglasses just to help hide minor eye movements...  BAH

Nick C

There are far too many items of clothing, and eyewear, and headphones etc, etc to abolish (IMO). I am in favor, however, of letting players know that there are consequences to wearing anything that might cause them to either; not see cards, or not hear the amount of a bet, or any number of mistakes that could prove very costly. They will also have little defense (if any) when pleading their case. "I couldn't see the cards" or I thought it was my bet" or "I thought he said 100, when I said call, not 1,000,000!!!"



Respectfully, I think that trying to ban sunglasses is a complete waste of time and energy.  Why such a strong statement?  Here's why:

The WSOP, probably the MOST INFLUENTIAL player in the tournament game has recently signed a sponsorship agreement with Blue Shark Optics, making Blue Shark products the "Official" WSOP eyewear. 

Whether this is right or wrong is beside the point.  The fact remains that the WSOP is pretty much calling the shots.  They adopt the rules they want and they don't adopt the ones they don't.  If there isn't a rule to cover something they make their own, ie., WSOP Rule #89 governing "Accepting the Action".  Trying to get them to change their position is pretty much "spitting into the wind".

I don't have a problem with players and sunglasses, if the player isn't paying attention, let him/her suffer the consequences.

If I had the extra $$ to spend and I could get this product that I could wear over my regular glasses, I would jump at the chance.  My eyes get very tired when playing and concentrating on the board, I have tried regular and prescription sunglasses, but they are too dark and after a shot time only make matters worse.