Working on french translation of version 2022

Started by Al1_FFPA, September 30, 2022, 06:59:19 PM

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I will soon start to work on the 2022 translation in french, as it's my mother tongue and I already worked with french TD on the 2019 version.
I think  that Terence Bertault had a good translation past years, but with little "bad french" expressions that we would like to change in an "official 2022 version".

Please answer to this post if any interest in working together on this.


No answer, but a version exists, I'll contact the translator and look at his job.



Le sujet est un peu vieux, mais je me permets de le relancer.

Je suis très intéressé par une "bonne" traduction en français de la version 2022. Je suis actuellement en cours de traduction pour une utilisation privé. Mon but serait de la proposer afin de l'intégrer dans l'App Android (à ce que j'ai vu la version IOS est déjà abandonnée).


The subject is a bit old, but I'll take the liberty of starting it up again.

I'm very interested in a "good" French translation of version 2022. I'm currently translating it for private use. My goal would be to offer it for integration into the Android App (from what I've seen, the IOS version has already been abandoned).


Might as well just wait? As there is going to be another Summit in a few months.
Why not wait until after 2024 Summit and translate that?


I've already started the translation.
After the summit I'll adapt this version. It will be less work later to add only the changes.


Désolé pas vu avant de revenir pou la v24. Voir autre post à ce propos