rabbit hunting allowed?

Started by W0lfster, March 28, 2011, 01:12:45 PM

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On one of the seasons of High Stakes Poker I saw the dealer put out the last river card when the pot was awarded (uncontested) on the turn. I thought Rabbit Hunting was not allowed. I know for a fact it is not allowed in tournaments but after seeing that, I can only assume its for cash games only. I could be wrong but could you only do that if you paid the dealer in a cash game?

Thanks  :)



DCJ, a little more input would be appreciated, I understand I have talked about this as part of a TV show but would this be allowed in a normal cash game? Anyone?


Nick C

It is not allowed anywhere but, unfortunetly it is done in cash games for a number of reasons. If you have ever dealt you will understand that it is difficult sometimes for the dealer to not answer the request of a big tipper when he asks you to please show him the river after he folds. It is just one of those things that the dealer is not supposed to do but it does not change the outcome of the hand, and unless someone objects to it, it happens in every card room, whether managment thinks so or not. It is not allowed but, neither is swearing......it happens sometimes.


Andy:  Several things play into this:

1.  As DCJ001 said it is a poker game MADE FOR TV!!
2.  All of these players are INVITED to play by the Producers of the show.  If you or I wanted to play we would be laughed out of the place.
3.  At the stakes they are playing for the producers allow them to mess around with the rules somewhat to make the game more interesting for the TV audience.
4.  Almost everyone of these players are, and I don't mean this in a derogatory way, "degenerate gamblers".  They are ALWAYS looking for ways to create ACTION. 
5.  For most of them, Poker played strictly by the rules, is BORING, BORING, BORING.  They need to stroke their need for ACTION and tweaking the game with Rabbit Hunting, Running in Twice, Insurance Bets and Proposition Bets are ways to satisfy that need for ACTION.

DO NOT look at these games and think just because the "Big Boys/Girls" do it, that it applies to the rest of us.  IT DOES NOT!!  At least not if you want to play 'strictly by the rules'.


Nick C

DCJ001 and Chet are right. If you keep watching Poker After Dark you'll learn more about what "not to do" than what you should be consentrating on. It's entertaining, for sure, but don't try it at the local Pub.


However  ;D

Aside from the fact that it is a tv show it is also a little more like a home game for those guys, which means a little rabbit hunting here and there in the home game is ok. Generally speaking, most poker players DON"T want to see the card that would have come or wouldn't have so it's not tolerated as a regular thing even in most home games.

Of course, in a casino or card room, rabbit hunting slows the game down so less of a rake for the house.  And, as I said, a lot of players don't want to see the card anyway so it tends to tick other players off which is something you don't need while everybody is trying to get paid.  As nick said, the dealers are told never to do it, but the occasional flashed river card happens in every house.