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Showdown order

Started by alex, April 27, 2013, 06:06:02 PM

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Hi all, I think this situation was discussed earlier but I couldn't find it.
3 player involve in a hand.
player A is all in on the flop, players B & C called the bet then they both checked to the river .
Who will show his hand first . Ty

Nick C


That is a good question. Under normal conditions; we would look to the last player that initiated the check on the final betting round...however, somehow I recall a different procedure for cash games that calls for the all-in player to show first. Either way would be okay, but there are times when players refuse to show first. Thus, the need for some kind of showdown order.


From RROP, v 11 "The Showdown" -

8.   If everyone checks (or is all-in) on the final betting round, the player who acted first is the first to show the hand. If there is wagering on the final betting round, the last player to take aggressive action by a bet or raise is the first to show the hand. In order to speed up the game, a player holding a probable winner is encouraged to show the hand without delay. If there are one or more side pots (because someone is all-in), players are asked to aid in determining the pot winner by not showing their cards until a pot they are in is being settled. A player may opt to throw his hand away after all the betting for the deal is over, rather than compete to win the pot. However, the other players do not lose the right to request the hand be shown if he does so.



@TristanWilberg on Twitter


So as a conclusion , can we make the player A who went all in open his hand first ..


That part wasn't 100% clear in your example as Player A could have went all in from the button position and B and C could have been the blinds.   ;)

Showdown order would go in a clockwise motion from the small blind position being first and the button being last to have to show.
@TristanWilberg on Twitter

Nick C


The way I see it, in your example, it would depend on his position in the betting round. If he were first to act and went all-in, SB position post flop, he would showdown first. If he were in a different position. e.g. UTG+1 and the action were checked on a later round after he went all-in, then the first to show would be the first player that checked.This is getting confusing to explain but, I believe I'm getting it right. Consider a player going all-in but calling the exact amount that was bet in front of him...hmm.

The rule I've been looking for, (and unable to locate), called for the all-in to show first no matter where he was in relation to the button, as long as there were no side pot. I have been unable to find it, so I think the standard mentioned by Chet is your best choice. Last to initiate a bet on the last betting round, or the first player to check on the final betting round...that's the way we do it.

For those that read this earlier, I made a couple changes to my original post. I think it makes more sense after my correction.


Quote from: Tristan on April 28, 2013, 11:45:38 PM
Showdown order would go in a clockwise motion from the small blind position being first and the button being last to have to show.

I guess maybe I should be a little more clear too.  It is going to be hard to get a concrete answer here as TDA does not cover cash games (in most places). 

It will depend on your house rules most likely.

I've seen a few different ways used.  I'll break it down for each.

Let's have the button be in seat 1 and player A in seat 2, player B be in seat 3, and player C be in seat 4 for our examples.

1.  Last aggressor shows first, no matter which street. In this case, player A would show first as they were the last aggressor.

2.  First person to act on the final checked round would have to show first.  In this case, player B would have to show first.  Player A could not act on the final round as they were all-in prior and player B was the first one to 'check'.

3.  Clockwise from the button on a checked round.  In this case, player A would show first.

I personally feel that #2 is the best standard.  #1 can have issues if the dealer does not remember who the first aggressor was.  #3 can never be consistent because if there were a side pot, player A would then end up being the last to show.
@TristanWilberg on Twitter

Nick C


About as good as you could explain it...I'd like to mention that many players don't care and they turn their hands immediately. The rule is needed for those stubborn players that insist on waiting to see everyone's hand before they show theirs. I personally, prefer the cash game rule that allows any player in the game to right to see a called hand. TDA tournament rules insist all cards be tabled but only when any player is all-in...this does not apply in cash games.

There is still a proper order of showdown, and I think we covered it.