Any chance to review new proposals, before version 1?

Started by Nick C, July 06, 2013, 03:15:35 PM

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Nick C

Mike Bishop & the BOD,

Is there any chance for us to go over the proposed changes? I was not in attendance but I viewed the video from the Summit. There were some suggestions and proposals that seemed unclear. I thought it would be helpful if members could offer their help (to Mike) in some of the language being considered. There was talk of possibly killing hands of skipped players, for example, that needed more time. I know that Mike has asked for our feedback on a couple proposals but, there are many that need clarification.

I think it will save some time and get us to version 2.0 sooner.


The period between Versions 1.0 and 2.0 is the main review period.

As for killing hands of players skipped out-of-turn when substantial action occurs to their left, that is left to TDs discretion at this time. Some TDs prefer to limit the skipped player to non-aggressive action while others feel the player just has too much information and should have protected their right to act (thus favor killing the hand). It's hard to put both of those remedies in the same rule so it's left to TDs discretion. What is agreed to is that substantial action OOT is binding and the TD will be called to the table to render a decision on how to treat the skipped hand.

It's also not being written in at this time, but almost without exception the attendees felt that if there was any betting action out of turn and the next card is dealt, the skipped hand is dead.

Nick C


This is exactly what I'm talking about. We have had numerous discussions on the forum. If what we say means is my vote:
When a player is skipped, barring a deliberate delay, or an excessive lapse of time, the player should loose his right to aggressive action. I will quote your last line for how I feel beyond that.

It's also not being written in at this time, but almost without exception the attendees felt that if there was any betting action out of turn and the next card is dealt, the skipped hand is dead.

One of the issues that come to mind, was the discussion of the last player to act that is somehow skipped by the dealer. Currently, the skipped player should not have a dead hand. The procedure is as follows: The premature board card can not stay, even if the skipped player decides to fold.

I believe the best solutions, to solve all of the problems at the tables, begin with: Allowing the dealers to direct, and control the action by clarifying all bets in turn and stopping the out of turn bettors. Strong dealers are needed... along with players that must follow basic rules of etiquette.

I will list the 3 that top my list for players to follow: #1 Act in turn.
                                                                        #2 Protect your own hand.
                                                                        #3 Retain your winning hand until the pot is pushed to you.

I'd like you to think of every major screw-up that has taken place in recent years, and tell me that the simple rules above wouldn't have prevented them from ever happening.

I also believe that punishment for the OOT might be more realistic than punishing the skipped player.