TDA Summit coming June 29-30th to The Rio!
Download Day 2 2011 Summit PowerPoint.
Download Day 1 2011 Summit PowerPoint.
You are cordially invited to attend the 2011 Poker TDA Summit on June 29 and 30 at the Rio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. It’s imperative that we continue the work of the TDA and to do so, we need to have as many voices as possible represented. If you are unable to attend, please send someone from your cardroom to represent your viewpoint. The purpose of this event will be to discuss proposed new TDA rules and to discuss and modify existing rules and procedures. Also, if you have specific rules issues of particular concern to you, please send these in so that we can get them scheduled for discussion. There is no charge for TDA members to attend this Summit.
Here is a tentative itinerary of events (subject to change):
June 29:
10 am -10:30am Registration
10:30am – 5pm: 1) Review and discussion of current rules 2) discussion and voting on proposed new 2011 TDA rules. (There will be short breaks as needed plus a lunch break during the day.)
7pm: TDA poker tournament at the World Series of Poker (optional)…$125 buy-in limited to attendees and sponsors of the TDA conference
June 30:
10am-2pm: Discussion of procedures, rulings, etc. and final review and discussion of any outstanding rules issues before final vote
For information about the discount room rate at the Rio for TDA Members, and how to register for a room, please visit:
We appreciate the Rio providing us with a meeting room again. If you know of any companies that provide poker-related services or products useful to tournament directors, we would appreciate your sending us their contact information. As of this time, Genesis is the Summit silver sponsor, but we are seeking additional sponsorship and donations to help underwrite the expenses of the conference such as coffee, tea, and snacks, welcome bags, pens and notepads, trophies for the tournament, a hospitality suite, etc.
Please email to RSVP and have your name registered as an attendee.
On behalf of the entire Poker TDA membership, we look forward to seeing you at the 2011 TDA Summit!
The Poker TDA Board of Directors:
Jan Fisher, Linda Johnson, Dave Lamb, and Matt Savage.